Tuesday, 27 June (conference day #0)

18:30 – 20:00Walking Tour around Napoli City Center

20:00 – 21:00Opening Cocktail (Bibendum, Via Santa Maria la Nova, 6, 80134 Napoli NA, Italia)

Wednesday, 28 June (conference day #1)

08:30 – 09:00Door Open, Registration, and Coffee

09:00 – 09:30Introduction, Welcome by the chairs – Johanna Ullrich and Zied Ben Houidi

09:30 – 10:30Keynote: Leveraging GNN to build a Network Digital Twin (Pere Barlet-Ros, UPC Barcelona)
Session chair: Johanna Ullrich

Pere Barlet-Ros received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2003 and 2008, respectively. He is currently a Full Professor with the Computer Architecture Department of the UPC and Scientific Director at the Barcelona Neural Networking Center (BNN-UPC). He is pioneer in the application of GNNs in networking, leading multiple GNN initiatives such as the GNNet challenge, the GNN IGNNITION framework, and the 1st GNNet workshop. From 2013 to 2018, he was co-founder and chairman of the machine learning startup Talaia Networks. The company was acquired by Auvik Networks in 2018. Previously, he was also a visiting researcher at Endace (New Zealand), Intel Research Cambridge (UK) and Intel Labs Berkeley (USA). For the last 10 years, his research has focused on the development of novel machine learning technologies for network management and optimization, traffic classification and network security, which have been integrated in several open-source and commercial products, including Talaia Polygraph, Auvik TrafficInsights, Intel CoMo and SMARTxAC. In 2014, he received the 2nd VALORTEC prize for the best business plan awarded by the Catalan Government (ACCIO) and in 2015 the Fiber Entrepreneurs award as the best entrepreneur of the Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB). He has also been the Principal Investigator of 7 competitive research projects and advised 6 Ph.D. theses in the fields of network monitoring and machine learning.

10:30 – 11:00   Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:30   Session #1 – Traffic Classification & Modelling
Session chair: Zied Ben Houidi

  1. Encrypted Traffic Classification: the QUIC Case  
    J. Luxemburk and K. Hynek (FIT CTU & CESNET), T. Cejka (CESNET)
  1. Many or Few Samples? Comparing Transfer, Contrastive and Meta-Learning in Encrypted Traffic Classification  

    I. Guarino (Universita di Napoli, Federico II), C. Wang and A. Finamore (Huawei Technologies France, SASU), A. Pescape (Universita di Napoli, Federico II), D. Rossi (Huawei Technologies France, SASU)

  1. dMAPAR-HMM: Reforming Traffic Model for Improving Performance Bound with Stochastic Network Calculus  
    Q. Yang, X. Peng, H. Yang, G. Zhang, and B. Bai (Huawei)

12:30 – 14:00   Lunch Break

14:00 – 16:00   Session #2 – Posters’ Session

  1. Not all DGAs are Born the Same – Lexicographic based Detection of DGA Domains through AI/ML  
    L. Torrealba (NIC Labs, Universidad de Chile), P. Casas (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), J. Bustos-Jiménez (NIC Labs, Universidad de Chile), G. Capdehourat (Plan Ceibal & Universidad de la República), M. Findrik (cyan Security Group)

  2. Unevenly Spaced Time Series from Network Traffic  
    J. Koumar (Czech Technical University in Prague), T. Cejka (CESNET)

  3. Towards Detecting and Geolocalizing Web Scrapers with Round Trip Time Measurements  
    E. Chiapponi (EURECOM), M. Dacier (RC3, CEMSE, KAUST), O. Thonnard (Amadeus IT Group)

  4. Detecting IP-tracking proof interfaces by looking for NATs  
    A. Buchet (UCLouvain), P. Snyder (Brave Software), H. Haddadi (Imperial College London & Brave Software), C. Pelsser (UCLouvain)

  5. Phishing in Style: Characterizing Phishing Websites in the Wild  
    D. Hasselquist (Linköping University, Sectra Communications), E. Kihlberg Gawell, A. Karlström, N. Carlsson (Linköping University)

  6. An Initial Look into the Performance Evolution of 5G Non-Standalone Networks  
    G. Caso and M. Rajiullah (Karlstad University), K. Kousias (University of Oslo), U. Ali and L. De Nardis (Sapienza University of Rome), A. Brunstrom (Karlstad University), O. Alay (University of Oslo), M. Neri (Rohde&Schwarz), M. G. Di Benedetto (Sapienza University of Rome)

  7. Packet Field Tree: a Hybrid Approach to Automated Protocol Reverse-Engineering  
    A. Rohl (University of Adelaide & Defence Science Technology Group), M. Roughan and M. White (University of Adelaide), A. Chambers (Defence Science Technology Group)

  8. France Through the Lens of Mobile Traffic Data  
    O. E. Martinez-Durive and S. Mishra (IMDEA Networks Institute, Carlos III University of Madrid), C. Ziemlicki, S. Rubrichi, and Z. Smoreda (Orange Innovation, France), M. Fiore (IMDEA Networks Institute)

  9. Deep Generative Replay for Multivariate Time-Series Monitoring with Variational Autoencoders  
    G. García González (Universidad de la República), P. Casas (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology), A. Fernández (Universidad de la República)

  10. Investigating Gaze Behavior in Phishing Email Identification  
    F. Pietrantonio, A. Botta, and G. Ventre (University of Naples Federico II), L. Gallo (Cyber Security Lab TIM S.p.A.), S. Zinno (University of Naples Federico II), L. Mancuso and R. Presta (Scienza Nuova Research Centre, University Suor Orsola Benincasa)

The posters’ session also includes posters from the PhD school participants.

16:00 – 16:30   Coffee Break

16:30 – 18:00   Session #3 – Security
Session chair: Pere Barlet-Ros

  1. Hazardous Echoes: The DNS Resolvers that Should Be Put on Mute  

    R. Yazdani (University of Twente), Y. Nosyk (Université Grenoble Alpes), R. Holz (University of Twente), M. Korczynski (Université Grenoble Alpes), M. Jonker and A. Sperotto (University of Twente)

  1. W-Bad: Interception, Inspection, and Interference with Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD)  
    C. Deccio (Brigham Young University)
  1. Your Code is 0000: An Analysis of the Disposable Phone Numbers Ecosystem  

    J. M. Moreno (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), S. Matic (IMDEA Software Institute), N. Vallina-Rodriguez (IMDEA Networks/AppCensus), J. Tapiador (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) (University of Twente)

20:30 – 23:00Social dinner at La Bersagliera restaurant in Borgo Marinari

Thursday, 29 June (conference day #2)

09:00 – 10:00Keynote: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Network Security Measurement: Leveraging AI in Dynamic Environments (Sebastián García, Czech Technical University in Prague)
Session chair: Pedro Casas

Sebastián is Head of Cybersecurity at the AIC (Artificial Intelligence Center), within the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). He is an assistant professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU. His research focuses in computer security and machine learning for malware and attack detection. He is founder of the Stratosphere Research Lab, aiming to do impactful security research to help others using machine learning; he is also co-founder of the Independent Fund for Women in Tech, and co-founder of the Mateslab Hackspace.

10:00 – 10:30   Coffee Break

10:30 – 12:00   Session #4 – Insights on Network Infrastructure
Session chair: Matteo Varvello

  1. An Analysis of War Impact on Ukrainian Critical Infrastructure through Network Measurements  

    R. Singla (Texas A&M University), S. Srinivasa (Aalborg University), N. Reddy (Texas A&M University), J. M. Pedersen (Aalborg University), E. Vasilomanolakis (Technical University of Denmark), R. Bettati (Texas A&M University)

  1. Live Long and Prosper: Analyzing Long-Lived MOAS Prefixes in BGP  
    K. Z. Sediqi, A. Feldmann, O. Gasser (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
  1. Target Acquired? Evaluating Target Generation Algorithms for IPv6  

    L. Steger, L. Kuang, J. Zirngibl, and G. Carle (Technical University of Munich), O. Gasser (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

12:00 – 14:00   Lunch Break

14:00 – 15:30   Session #5 – Performance Analysis & Measurements
Session chair: Idilio Drago

  1. Instant Messaging Meets Video Conferencing: Studying the Performance of IM Video Calls  
    L. Grote, I. Kunze, C. Sander, K. Wehrle (RWTH Aachen University)
  1. A Worldwide Look Into Mobile Access Networks Through the Eyes of AmiGos  
    M. Varvello (Nokia Bell Labs), Y. Zaki (New York University Abu Dhabi)
  1. Longitudinal Analysis of Inter-city Network Delays  

    S. Ozcan (Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering & University of Oslo), I. Livadariu (Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering), G. Smaragdakis (Delft University of Technology), C. Griwodz (University of Oslo)

15:30 – 16:00   Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:30   Session #6 – The Human Factor
Session chair: Anna Brunström

  1. Bias in Internet Measurement Platforms  

    P. Sermpezis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), L. Prehn (MPII), S. Kostoglou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), M. Flores (Edgio), A. Vakali (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), E. Aben (RIPE NCC)

  1. Errare humanum est: What do RFC Errata say about Internet Standards?  

    S. McQuistin (University of Glasgow), M. Karan and P. Khare (Queen Mary University of London), C. Perkins (University of Glasgow), M. Purver, P. Healey, I. Castro (Queen Mary University of London), G. Tyson (HKUST)

  1. I refuse if you let me: Studying User Behavior with Privacy Banners at Scale  

    N. Jha (Politecnico di Torino), M. Trevisan (University of Trieste), M. Mellia (Politecnico di Torino), R. Irarrazaval and D. Fernandez (Illow)

17:30 – 18:00TMA Awards, Closing remarks, and Presentation of TMA Conference 2024