TMA 2023 and its 11th TMA PhD School delivered a series of awards recognizing the best contributions to the main conference and PhD school, including a Best Paper Award and a Best Poster Award, the Top-3 Papers of the conference (invited for fast-tracking at IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management), as well as two Best PhD School Poster Awards.
TMA 2023 Best Paper Award
“Target Acquired? Evaluating Target Generation Algorithms for IPv6”
L. Steger, L. Kuang, J. Zirngibl, and G. Carle (Technical University of Munich), O. Gasser (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
TMA 2023 Best Poster Award
“Towards Detecting and Geolocalizing Web Scrapers with Round Trip Time Measurements”
E. Chiapponi (EURECOM), M. Dacier (RC3, CEMSE, KAUST), O. Thonnard (Amadeus IT Group)
11th TMA PhD School Best Poster Awards
“Performance Estimation of Encrypted Video Streaming Considering End-user Playback-related Interactions”
I. Bartolec and L. Skorin-Kapov (University of Zagreb)
“Synthetic and Privacy-preserving Traffic Trace Generation for Training Network Intrusion Detection Systems”
C. Guida (University of Napoli Federico II and University of Bergamo), G. Aceto, F. Giampaolo, A. Pescapè,
F. Piccialli, E. Prezioso (University of Napoli Federico II)

TMA 2023 Top-3 Papers
“Live Long and Prosper: Analyzing Long-Lived MOAS Prefixes in BGP”
K. Z. Sediqi, A. Feldmann, O. Gasser (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)
“Instant Messaging Meets Video Conferencing: Studying the Performance of IM Video Calls”
L. Grote, I. Kunze, C. Sander, K. Wehrle (RWTH Aachen University)