IEEE/IFIP Workshop on Mobile Network Measurement (MNM’17)
In conjunction with TMA Conference 2017
June 20, 2017
Where: John Hume Lecture Theatre 4 (JHL4), 1st Floor, John Hume Building
9:00 | Welcome |
9:15 | Keynote: From packets to knowledge: applying data science approaches to traffic measurement (Marco Mellia, Politecnico di Torino, IT) |
10:00 | coffee break |
10:30 | Session 1: Performance (chair: Özgü Alay) |
MONROE-SOPHIA – A Software Radio Platform for Mobile Network Measurement ![]() Paul Sutton and Ismael Gomez (Software Radio Systems)Examining Cellular Access Systems on Trains: Measurements and Change Detection ![]() Johan Garcia, Stefan Alfredsson, and Anna Brunstrom (Karlstad University) Data analytics for forecasting cell congestion on LTE networks SOMETIME: SOftware defined network-based Available Bandwidth MEasuremenT In MONROE |
12:15 | lunch |
13:30 | Session 2: Applications (chair: Gorry Fairhurst) |
Use of Mobile Network Analytics for Application Performance Design ![]() Irene Alepuz, Jorge Cabrejas, and Jose F. Monserrat (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia) and Alvaro G. Perez, Gonzalo Pajares, and Roberto Gimenez (EUROB CREATIVE)MIMIC: Using Passive Network Measurements to Estimate HTTP-based Adaptive Video QoE Metrics ![]() Tarun Mangla (Georgia Institute of Technology), Emir Halepovic (ATT Labs Research), and Mostafa Ammar and Ellen Zegura (Georgia Institute of Technology) Concept and Implementation of Video QoE Measurements in a Mobile Broadband Testbed |
14:45 | coffee break |
15:15 | Session 3: Middleboxes (chair: Mirja Kühlewind) |
Path Transparency Measurements from the Mobile Edge with PATHspider ![]() Iain R. Learmonth (University of Aberdeen), Andra Lutu (Simula Research Laboratory), Gorry Fairhurst (University of Aberdeen), and David Ros and Ozgu Alay (Simula Research Laboratory)Exploring DSCP modification pathologies in mobile edge network ![]() Ana Custura, Andre Venne, and Gorry Fairhurst (University of Aberdeen) Hic Sunt NATs: Uncovering Address Translation with a Smart Traceroute |
 16:30 |  wrap-up |
 16:45 |  end |
Keynote:Â From packets to knowledge: applying data science approaches to traffic measurement (Marco Melia)
Abstract: The decentralized nature of the Internet makes it complex to be understood and managed. Network managers face challenging tasks when configuring and administrating the network, from the analysis of performance and availability issues, to the identification of malicious activity. All such tasks are performed relying on measurements that inform managers about the state of the network. In this talk I will cover the basics of network-based measurements, including why to measure, and how to measure in the network. I will show that extracting knowledge from network measurements is hard, in particular due to the challenges brought by the large volumes, high collection speeds, and the heterogeneous sources of data — i.e., typical “big data” challenges. I will illustrate how such approaches can be applied to measurements collected in the network to extract useful knowledge. We will provide examples where this knowledge is instrumental, such as to study usage of network services, to identify and fight malware, and to protect users’ privacy.
Bio: Prof. Marco Mellia graduated from the Politecnico di Torino with Ph.D. in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering in 2001. Between February and October 1997, he was a Researcher supported by CSELT. He was a Visiting PhD Student starting from February 1999 to November 1999 at the Computer Science Department of Carnegie Mellon University, where he worked with Prof. Hui Zhang and Ion Stoica. From February to March 2002 he visited the Sprint Advanced Technology Laboratories Burlingame, California, working at the IP Monitoring Project (IPMON). During the summer 2011 and 2012 he visited Narus Inc, Sunnyvale, California, where he worked on traffic classification problems. He has co-authored over 200 papers published in international journals and presented in leading international conferences, all of them in the area of telecommunication networks. He was awarded the IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize in 2013, and the best paper award at ACM CoNEXT 2013, IEEE TRAC 2015, IEEE ICDCS 2015 and ITC 2015. He participated in the program committees of several conferences including ACM SIGCOMM, ACM CoNEXT, ACM IMC, IEEE Infocom, IEEE Globecom and IEEE ICC. He is Area Editor of ACM CCR, and part of the Editorial Board of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and of IEEE Transactions of Networks and Service Management. He holds 7 patents. His research interests are in the design and investigation of traffic monitoring and analysis methodologies using Big Data approaches, with applications to security. Since October 1st 2014, he’s working at the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni at Politecnico di Torino as an Associate Professor.
Description of Scope
Network measurement provides essential input for operations and diagnostics as well as a basis for the network design and development of protocols in today’s complex networks. Over the last few decades, mobile networks have become a vital piece of the modern communications infrastructure, underpinning many aspects of modern society. However, measurement is challenging for mobile networks, because the mobile ecosystem is complex with many different components required to work together in a dynamic environment where channel conditions constantly change and users move. The workshop will focus on active and passive measurement methods and results for mobile networks.
The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers and industry, especially mobile operators and businesses whose operations depend on mobile networks, for discussion of measured network effects as well as optimization and advancement of measurement tools and methods for mobile environments. We solicit contributions on the state-of-the-art, results of ongoing research, open issues, trends and new ideas.
Topics of interest
Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
- Measurements of end-to-end performance metrics in mobile broadband networks, especially for 3G/4G
- Measurements of application-level performance & Quality of Experience (QoE)
- Tools and methods for end-to-end performance measurements
- Tools and methods for assessing application-level performance and QoE
- Tools and methods for middlebox and proxy detection
- Classification and modeling of in-network function in mobile networks
- Machine learning and data analytics for network monitoring, traffic analysis and network management
- Visualization of dynamics in mobile networks for diagnostics
Important Dates
Paper Submissions: April 7, 2017 April 14, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: April 28, 2017 May 5, 2017
Camera-ready Papers Due: May 12, 2017 May 19, 2017
Workshop Date: June 20, 2017 – Registration is closed!
Authors should only submit original work that has not been published before and is not under submission to any other venue. Submissions must not exceed 6 pages in IEEE 2-column style, including all figures and references. Check specific formatting instructions here. Papers accepted for presentation will be published in the IFIP Open Digital Library, with open access, and on IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
The submission site for MNM 2017 is available at
Workshop Co-Chairs
Özgü Alay, Simula Research Lab, Norway
Mirja Kühlewind, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Workshop Technical Program Committee
Stefan Alfredson, Karlstad University, Sweden
Marco Ajmone Marsan, POLITO, Italy
Anna Brunstrom, Karlstad University, Sweden
Gino Carrozzo, Nextworks, Italy
Gorry Fairhurst, University of Aberdeen, Scotland
Vijay K. Gurbani, Bell Lab, US
Paul Hoffman, ICANN, US
Diego Lopez, Telefonica, Spain
Andra Lutu, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Håkon Lønsethagen, Telenor Research, Norway
Vincenzo Mancuso, IMDEA Networks, Spain
David Plonka, Akamai, US
David Ros, Simula Research Networks, Norway
Brian Trammell, ETH Zurich
The MNM workshop is sponsored by EU H2020 MONROE and MAMI projects.