Best Paper Award
TPC have been asked to nominate possible candidates for the Best Paper Award. The Program Chairs selected three papers among nominees :
Push Away Your Privacy: Precise User Tracking Based on TLS Client Certificate Authentication Matthias Wachs, Quirin Scheitle, and Georg Carle (Technical University of Munich (TUM))
A View From the Edge: A Stub-AS Perspective of Traffic Localization and its Implications
Bahador Yeganeh and Reza Rejaie (University of Oregon) and Walter Willinger (NIKSUN, Inc.)
Does Anycast Hang up on You?
Lan Wei and John Heidemann (ISI/USC)
Panel formed by the Program Chairs, plus the the Keynote speakers have assisted to the paper presentation, and finally selected the winner. The Best paper Award has then been assigned to the paper
Push Away Your Privacy: Precise User Tracking Based on TLS Client Certificate Authentication Matthias Wachs, Quirin Scheitle, and Georg Carle (Technical University of Munich (TUM))
Congratulations to Quirin Scheitle and his co-authors!
The authors of the best paper will receive soon the prize of 500 Euros offered by IFIP WG6.6.
Best Dataset Award
The authors who have made the dataset open for use to the community run for the Best Open Dataset Award. 22 papers among the submitted papers have offered open datasets and artefacts useful for both reproducibility and the community. Among the 8 that were accepted for presentation, a panel formed by the Program Chairs, and member of the Steering Committee finally assigned the Best Dataset Award to the paper
HLOC: Hints-Based Geolocation Leveraging Multiple Measurement Frameworks
Quirin Scheitle, Oliver Gasser, Patrick Sattler, and Georg Carle (Technical University of Munich (TUM))
- Code is hosted on github in the branch “tma17” (the master branch is for ongoing development):
- The dataset is stored for revision-proof long-term access by the TUM library:
- Everyone can sync through rsync or download files using a web browser:
Congratulations to the whole team!
Winners will soon get a prize of 500 Euros offered by the organizers.
Fast-Track to IEEE TNMS
Authors willing to accept the invitation must prepare an extended version of their work, addressing all reviewers’ comments and including at least 30% more material. The extended manuscript must must be in line with the authors’ guidelines, and be submitted to the IEEE TNSM manuscript central adding a note to the Editor that the paper has been selected for Fast Tracking from the IEEE/IFIP TMA Conference.
Logo Contest
In the spirit of evolution towards a strong TMA Conference, the Steering Committee have announced Call for LOGO, looking for a new visual identity. Among 29 proposals being received, a shortlist of 3 proposal have been selected by the Steering Committee. With the help of the attendees at the IEEE/IFIP TMA Conference’17, the TMA logo has been selected. Congratulations to the winner!