Authors of accepted papers and extended abstracts must follow the steps described below for inclusion of the paper in the conference proceedings.
Revise your Paper
Revise your paper carefully following the reviewers’ comments. As indicated in the acceptance notification, you should work closely with your shepherd to address the review comments and particularly any specific concerns raisedx during the reviewer paper discussion. Please provide a review plan and timeline to your shepherd as soon as possible. You need the confirmation of the shepherd that the paper is ready for your final submission. Ensure the paper is confirmed by the shepherd before the camera-ready deadline on May 16, 2025!
The final version has one extra page. The final submission must not exceed 9 (nine) pages in IEEE 2-column style, 10pt, plus 2 (two) additional pages for references and appendices (3+1 pages for extended abstracts). DO NOT INCLUDE PAGE NUMBERS.
If the paper is typeset in LaTeX, use the preamble \documentclass[10pt, conference, letterpaper]{IEEEtran}. Do not use additional LaTeX commands or packages to override and change the default typesetting choices in the template, including line spacing, font sizes, margins, space between the columns, and font types.
See for IEEE templates and formatting requirements.
Before submitting the final version, do a thorough proofread to ensure that no further revision will be required.
Policies on Presenters and No-Shows
Each paper must be presented by an author of the paper in person at the conference. Presentations via teleconference or pre-recorded tape are not permitted. The TPC Chairs may grant permission to have the paper presented by a substitute presenter under certain extraordinary circumstances. Authors with travel contingencies should consider arranging a substitute presenter. A substitute presenter must be qualified to answer questions regarding the paper.
A paper not presented or presented by a non-author without prior written approval by the TPC Chairs will be removed from the final conference proceedings.