TMA 2025 will run a poster session as part of the main conference program. Topics of interest include all topics listed on the general TMA 2025 call for papers. The poster session is an opportunity for researchers to discuss their early/ongoing work, tools, and datasets with attendees of TMA.
The goal of the TMA poster session is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas with peers from the community. We look for early work of interest to the community, even if it is not yet complete, and for tools or datasets that are of use to the community, even if the tool or dataset by itself may not warrant a paper.
Submissions should not be previously published in a workshop, conference, or journal. Extended abstracts will be published as part of the TMA Conference 2025 proceedings, with dual publication in IEEE Xplore and in the IFIP Open Digital Library (open access). Updates of previously presented poster and demo ideas are possible, as are descriptions of previously published tools/datasets that have new features.
Note to TMA PhD School Participants: the TMA call for posters is independent from the posters required as part of the participation to the PhD school. As such, PhD students participating of the 13th TMA PhD School are encouraged to submit an extended abstract to this call, to potentially have their work published as part of the proceedings (subject to the reviewing process).
Submission Guidelines
Poster submissions correspond to extended abstracts. Submissions must not exceed 3 (three) pages in IEEE 2-column style, 10pt, for the main paper content, plus 1 (one) additional page for references, in PDF format only. Submissions should use the same LaTeX template as TMA 2025 full papers.
IMPORTANT: The review process is SINGLE-BLIND, and papers should include authors’ names and affiliations. Papers must print clearly and legibly, including all the figures, on standard black-and-white printers. Submissions for posters should only include the extended abstract, not the poster itself. If accepted, we will send you guidelines on creating the poster.
Papers must be submitted here here, by creating a personal account. The article metadata, including title, up-to-250-word abstract, and authors list, must be provided before the paper submission deadline.
At least one author of each accepted poster is required to register for the TMA Conference 2025 and present it at the scheduled poster session.
All submissions undergo a peer review process. For any questions, please contact the poster session chairs Pedro Casas and Idilio Drago.
Technical Program Committee
- Pedro Casas, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
- Idilio Drago, University of Turin, Italy
- Anna Brunström, Karlstad University, Sweden
- Niklas Carlsson, Linköping University, Sweden
- Cristel Pelsser, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
- Roland van Rijswijk, University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Ramin Sadre, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
- Anna Sperotto, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Important Dates
Paper Submission: TBA
Author Notification: TBA
Camera Ready: TBA